Are we supposed to wake up every morning expecting a car accident to occur? We don’t, but it’s important to observe that’s how unforeseeable events occur. All we can do is take adequate preventive measures by being cautious and careful.
Mrs. Davison stays in Hertfordshire with her husband and enrolled herself with Doctor Alert. They are both in their 90s, but no major ailments have been detected thus far, by God’s grace, so they have been able to enjoy their days in their unique manner. The 2nd of April, 20 was also a typical day for both, until something happened that they could never have imagined or predicted. A Fall Down alarm in the center of the monitoring platform of Doctor Alert went off at approximately 6 a.m. As soon as possible, the emergency operator connected to the device and understood the situation. The pendant was on Mrs. Davison’s neck like the other days, but she somehow fell from the bed and the center was alerted via the monitoring center. Mrs. Davison called her device immediately and communicated her status. However, due to her arthritis, she was not able to get up. Our next step was to speak with her husband, Mr. Davison; however, due to his age, he couldn’t get his wife back on her feet.
During a COVID-19 outbreak, all rescue teams were involved in critical cases, but they arrived within a few hours. Doctor Alert stayed on the phone with her until help arrived to reduce the panic and stress caused by the nationwide lockdown. Fortunately, Mrs. Davison had no major injuries/cuts/fractures, and basic treatment from paramedics gave her relief and helped reinstil confidence in her. During this crisis, we salute all heroes and essential workers who are providing life-saving support. We are proud to be a part of these missions that allow people to not lose hope & bounce back after every fall, safely.