“My Dad Bought One After Seeing It.”
stay safe & Independent with Doctor alert personal alarms
Telecare Equipment for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities
Moving into an assisted living facility or nursing home can provide people and their families with comfort, security, and peace of mind when their health or mental state has deteriorated to the point that they need extra assistance or 24/7 care. Residents of assisted living facilities may not be under constant staff supervision, however, since they enjoy a high degree of independence. Even a short period of time without discovering a fall or heart attack can be disastrous. In addition to providing added safety to residents of assisted living communities, medical alerts can also be valuable tools for people who choose to age at home. Staff can’t be with residents all the time, even in nursing home environments where residents are being cared for and monitored. Individuals need time alone sometimes. Medical emergencies can also happen while a resident is sleeping; they may wake up with chest pain or feel ill. When an emergency occurs, medical alert systems help staff and medical personnel respond quickly.
Doctor Alert Alarms keeps a close surveillance to help in case of emergencies
Services provided by Doctor Alert Alarm System include:
- Telecare monitoring – 24/7
- Telehealth monitoring
- Domestic violence calls
- Elderly Individuals
- Vigilance on differently abled individuals
- Reassurance calls
Hospitals & similar organizations Recognize the Value
In hospitals both within and outside of the hospital, medical alerts are becoming more popular among patients as they see their benefits. When individuals have previously been hospitalized and are now well enough to live independently at home, this provides reassurance that help is always available. Our aging loved ones will be able to utilize these devices not only in their homes, but also at the places we trust to care for them. As a skilled provider of quality, cost-effective protection for homes, businesses, educational institutions, and government facilities, we have a strong foundation of experience, innovation, and customer service.
We're Always Here To Help
DoctorAlert is the leading provider of personal alarms within the UK. Contact us to know more about our product, we will be glad to tell you more!
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